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Goals to Help Establish your Dream Career

Goals to Help Establish your Dream Career

When we first consider establishing goals some of the initial thoughts that come to mind include graduating college, perhaps moving onto graduate school, intertwining our lives with a partner in a mature and intimate relationship, and/or taking the plunge of transitioning from our childhood home to our own independent living quarters. These short-term goals likely occur in stages, taking place slowly as we chip away at them until these objectives come to fruition.

Much like education, relationships, and independence, establishing career goals is incredibly significant in setting ourselves up for a successful future. We often realize that career takes up most of their adult scope when recognizing that the average employed American spends more than half of their waking hours working each day. This implies that our career accounts for a considerably large portion of our lives and time.

With such a strong emphasis on working in our society, finding the ideal job and creating career goals unique to us becomes prevalent. We must identify what career goals fit us as individuals, where we envision our career path leading us, and how we can realistically work toward our career goals.

Consider these Goals to Help Establish your Dream Career

Begin by having a vision.

The best place to start is by identifying what type of role you can imagine yourself working in. What was your concentration of study in college? What previous work experiences have you thoroughly enjoyed? What are your skills, talents, and abilities?

Define your values.

What is important to you? What are your engrained beliefs and morals? How do you want to be remembered? What is your legacy?

These are questions we all should mull over when exploring value systems. By having concrete beliefs and morals it is easier to establish career goals for yourself. You are able to follow your ethics truthfully and allow them to guide you into the right career or implement them as your foundation in a career you already feel drawn to.

Know your happiness.

It may sound broad or even a bit insignificant, but we need to understand the root difference between our happiness and what the world promises will make us happy.

Is it working the 9-5 grind? Is it chasing the vertical ladder of upward mobility to become a Fortune 500 Company CEO? Or is it having a stable income while bearing a family and balancing enough time to pursue hobbies instead?

These things take time.

Please remember to be patient. Things do not happen overnight, especially in the manner of pushing through the grunt work to achieve that well-deserved dream job. Trust me, though, this is all part of the journey. 

The most important aspect of establishing career goals is to start making them. Write down what you want to achieve in your career to have a visual of the work life you are mapping out for yourself. These objectives can be as broad or defined as you make them.

Last but not least… Ask for help! Having a Career Coach that guides you to Land Your Dream Career makes a huge difference.

If you want to learn more go and Book a Free Call Here!

Hi, I am Ruth McCrackin!

Your Career & Success Strategist Coach with well over 11 years of experience working hand in hand with Human Resources and Business Partners in achieving company goals and mission. It is my wish for high achievers to getting their high-end position in attracting their dreams and passion. Avoid the loop holes of missing great opportunities by applying job search strategies, LinkedIn Branding, storytelling, and much more to up level your career and lifestyle. Start Your Transformation Now!

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How to Stay Motivated in Your Career

How to Stay Motivated in Your Career

The quality of your work and your career success can be impacted directly by your motivation.  We all have our own motivational reasons for staying motivated, so you need to tailor a motivational that resonates with you. Knowing and understanding yourself will help you make more efficient and effective efforts. If you don’t move forward with your career, you can feel down and discouraged, just as someone who loses their job might. Listed below are a few suggestions you might find helpful for staying motivated in your career. change strategy. 

1. Set New Goals

Motivating yourself with a goal is one of the most effective ways to stay motivated. Your energy can be diverted to things that make a significant difference in your work and life. The goals you set now may be different from the goals you set when you first started your career.  As you advance in your career, setting goals is also vital to helping you earn more. Your performance and job satisfaction play a major role in your career advancement. Planning your career goals and setting professional goals can help you progress in your career.

2. Develop A New Skill

You will be able to advance more quickly in your career by developing the skills employers value.  Enhance your skills, including communication and writing, critical thinking, and problem-solving capabilities, in addition to more general qualities that make an employee pleasing to work with, dependable, and able to rely on. Development in these areas can raise your confidence at work, resulting in a more positive and motivating environment.

3. Make Your Career Enjoyable

Enjoying your work is a great way to keep you motivated. It will be difficult to continue working at your current job if you are always frustrated or bored. If you experience this problem often, you may need to make changes to your usual routine or find new activities to keep yourself occupied. In order to become fulfilled, your career should not drain you. Making things more enjoyable in the workplace can be as simple as challenging yourself at work or redecorating your workspace. Maintaining your positive attitude and motivation will allow you to be engaged in your work, which is the key to turning a job into a career. Actually Taking pleasure in your work.

4. Set Rewards For Yourself

​​Whenever you achieve your goals, reward yourself. Your reward system should be linked to your personal work goals, regardless of personal goals you have. For example, set a timeframe within which you want to improve a professional weakness. Having reached your goal, treat yourself to something tangible — a fine meal or a special item. You can motivate yourself to complete more projects at work by rewarding yourself when you achieve something at work, regardless of how small the accomplishment may be.

5. Use Your Strengths

Making use of your strengths can keep you motivated at work. Suppose, for instance, that you are good at accounting, but excellent at marketing. During your marketing training and employment opportunities, you can use the skills you have. Moreover, you should also think about how you can utilize your knowledge or skills already at your disposal. Your career will move forward this way, and you will always be looking for new opportunities.

Think about using your strengths to advance your career if you find yourself at a crossroads.  It is intuitively clear to many of us what we do well; however, understanding and utilizing our strengths is much more complex. The strengths you possess can contribute to your success in the workplace, regardless of your position or industry. Identify the strengths that are most recommended for your field and begin improving them by reviewing the most sought-after workplace strengths.  

If you want to learn more go and Book a Free Call Here!

Hi, I am Ruth McCrackin!

 Your Career & Success Strategist Coach with well over 11 years of experience working hand in hand with Human Resources and Business Partners in achieving company goals and mission. It is my wish for high achievers to getting their high-end position in attracting their dreams and passion. Avoid the loop holes of missing great opportunities by applying job search strategies, LinkedIn Branding, storytelling, and much more to up level your career and lifestyle. Start Your Transformation Now!

Attracting Your Dream Career Blogging Career coaching Career Development LinkedIn profile Productivity and Priority Promoting yourself Resume Working From Home

Why having a Career Coach is Beneficial

With the assistance of a career coach, you can set out an actionable blueprint for finding the job of your dreams and gain confidence during the search.

A Career Coach holds you accountable

A career coach’s objective is to help you achieve your goals. Therefore, a career coach will motivate you, monitor your progress, and follow up with you to ensure that you’re proceeding accordingly. The idea of changing careers or improving your career prospects keeps coming up, but nothing really seems to materialize. Are you putting in the effort and time required to make those changes? After all, change is hard. With the help of a career coach, you can ensure that you are making the right decisions or getting on the right track to reach your career goals.

A Career Coach can help prepare you for interviews 

Considering how important most interviews are to a job offer, getting the guidance of a coach can be extremely helpful. A coach can calm your nerves if you have been out of work. They can provide you with professional insight on how to answer different interview questions.

You can also get feedback from career coaches by having mock interviews. These practice sessions will help you develop general interview skills or prepare for a specific interview. You will likely be given feedback on how you did and where you can improve, along with exercises that can help calm your nerves or improve the way you speak.

Build connections 

Coaches help us improve in a variety of areas of our lives, ranging from career to finances, relationships, and other areas. It’s sort of a life-changing experience. Professional coaching has a much greater impact on interpersonal relationships and workplace productivity.

Help Establish realistic career goals 

Having a career coach who is not personally invested in your success allows you to get results faster. Career coaches cannot help you if their interests do not align with yours. They are purely concerned about your accomplishments.

If you need assistance navigating a particular career field, career coaches can assist with salary negotiation and job search techniques . If you need information about a specific career field, they can help bridge that gap.

Having a career coach can help you overcome challenges, opportunities, and dilemmas along the way, boosting your professional confidence and knowledge enormously. Hiring a career counselor isn’t just for people who are unemployed or encountering problems during a job search, as they can help you in many more scenarios. In addition to helping you gain confidence in new phases of your career, career coaches help make your work experience more fulfilling, focused, and supportive.

If you want to learn more go and Book a Free Call Here!

Hi, I am Ruth McCrackin!

 Your Career & Success Strategist Coach with well over 11 years of experience working hand in hand with Human Resources and Business Partners in achieving company goals and mission. It is my wish for high achievers to getting their high-end position in attracting their dreams and passion. Avoid the loop holes of missing great opportunities by applying job search strategies, LinkedIn Branding, storytelling, and much more to up level your career and lifestyle. Start Your Transformation Now!

Blogging Career Development Networking Productivity and Priority Promoting yourself

Personal Development Tips to Advance Your Career

Personal Development Tips to Advance Your Career

Just as a book is often judged by its cover, people are judged by its presence. First impressions are critical towards anyone’s success and as we know, first impressions are often lasting impressions. To ensure you can advance in your career, compiled below are some tips you can implement right away to make sure your most professional presence is seen.

Learn to say ‘no’ to things that don’t elevate or progress you. 

If you find yourself people-pleasing all the time, or taking on more work than you can handle, politely decline the next time someone asks you to do something outside of your scope. Assertively stating, “Thanks for the opportunity; while I normally would love to, my main focus is currently on ___. If I find myself with time to spare, I’ll be sure to let you know.”
Your boss and colleagues will respect you more for being assertive.

Don’t be afraid to ask for special requests.

If you’re shy, you may feel uncomfortable speaking up and asking for something. I’ll be the first to tell you that you’re missing out! If you’re wondering something to yourself, politely ask your question. The worst thing that would happen is that you would hear, “Sorry, we can’t accommodate that.” And if that’s the case, you’ll find yourself back at your original position anyways.

Make sure you have a professional email address and voicemail box recording. 

If you don’t have a Gmail account yet I recommend you sign up for one and create something as simple as your full name. If it’s unavailable, you can get creative with a middle name or number. This isn’t the time to be funny, cute, sexy, or difficult to search and remember. On a related note, is your voicemail box customized? Does it sound clear and professional? Be sure it’s along the lines of,  “Hello. You’ve reached *insert full name’s voicemail*. Please leave your name, number, and reason for calling and I’ll be sure to return your call as soon as possible. Thank you and have a great day!”

Remove yourself from negativity.

It’s a good rule of thumb to avoid negative gossip, rants, or conversations in the workplace. As much as you would never bash anyone or any company during the interview, make sure you apply this golden rule to your workplace. Negative energy fuels negative spirits. Try to be the one who turns a negative into a positive. People will remember you for this and won’t have anything negative to say about you during future reference checks!

If you’re on time, you’re late.

Arrive 10 minutes earlier than you really need to show up. 

Do you find yourself constantly apologizing for being late to events or meetings? My military friend told me, “If you’re on time, you’re late.” If you need to be somewhere at 10:00, make that 9:50 in your mind. Always leave 10 minutes of extra cushion time in case you experience traffic, parking troubles, lines, etc. Get creative and set your clock 10 minutes early if you need to or edit your calendar invites 15 minutes early.

Always bring a book with you everywhere. 

Whether it’s an audiobook, ebook, or physical book, carry one around on your phone or in your purse. It’s amazing how much you can read when you account for all of the additional random minutes in a day when you’re just waiting in line… or find yourself arriving 10 minutes early and have nothing better to do.

Blend in with your team and company culture.

In the past three companies I’ve worked for, it was very apparent who wasn’t aligned with the company culture. If you find everyone is dressing up for Halloween except you, try to make an effort so you’re not the only person in the entire group photo that thought it was just another Friday. If your entire team is going to happy hour week after week, try your best to make it to just one, even if you need to leave after 30 minutes. Trust me, people notice the odd ones out.

Be open to constructive criticism and welcome feedback. 

The only way to grow is to not take things personally. Constructive feedback and criticism are essential to one’s growth. If you find your emotions being hurt whenever you hear negative feedback, ask yourself what the messenger’s intentions are. While it may be difficult to accept at first, you may find the message is to bring awareness of any shortcomings so you can improve (and grow) in the future.

Continue networking even if you absolutely love your company or job.

You never know when you may need to call upon a favor for introductions. The better networked you are, the better you position yourself over time. Make an effort to join professional organizations where you meet people with similar skills, backgrounds, or interests. Try to make a minimum of one new meaningful connection each month as well as re-connecting with an existing meaningful connection. You will have made 24 strong connections by the end of the year by staying consistent with a small goal.

Personal and Career development is a continuous, ongoing life process. Along the way, there will inevitably be bumps in the road and, at times, you may find yourself falling short from this list. Completely 100% ay okay! As humans, we all fall short of perfection. The beautiful thing about falling short is that every opportunity is a lesson learned and there’s always a choice on what we want to feel, think, and do.

So, if you find yourself wanting to improve in an area, ask yourself, “What is really holding me back and what would I like to do instead?”

I’d love to hear any other personal development tips you have to enhance your career!

If you want to learn more go and Book a Free Call Here!

Hi, I am Ruth McCrackin!

 Your Career & Success Strategist Coach with well over 11 years of experience working hand in hand with Human Resources and Business Partners in achieving company goals and mission. It is my wish for high achievers to getting their high-end position in attracting their dreams and passion. Avoid the loop holes of missing great opportunities by applying job search strategies, LinkedIn Branding, storytelling, and much more to up level your career and lifestyle. Start Your Transformation Now!

Attracting Your Dream Career Career coaching Career Development Marketing Networking Productivity and Priority Promoting yourself Social Media Marketing

8 Career Development Tips Everyone Should know

8 Career Development Tips Everyone Should know

In today’s post, I am writing all about career development tips for working women-especially those of you who are just venturing out into the corporate world.

Now, I don’t want to seem like I know it all. Believe me, I don’t. However, I do think that I have some advice for all you working women who want to be the best version of themselves at work.

When you’re thinking about the goals that you are creating, make sure to keep the big picture in mind. Start with finding your why. Learning what drives you is the first step to having any kind of success with achieving your career development and professional goals.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you want to create well thought out career goals that you have confidence in achieving. It’s OK to fail sometimes, but eventually you want to reach the goals that you set for yourself!

If you’ve been looking for friendly advice on what to expect in the workplace, read on.

Be friendly but assertive

I chose this as my first piece of advice because I often see a lot of working women either being too nice or too firm.

To put it simply, if you’re too nice you’ll be seen as a pushover and people will expect things of you that are not part of your job, and if you’re too firm then you will be labeled a bitch.

I love the saying “It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it” because you can absolutely say “no” to something but remain professional and tactful. Balance is key.

Build strong professional relationships

This one has been a lifesaver for me whenever I wanted to advance in my career or even change jobs.

Networking is one of the most important things you can do as a working woman. Not only will you learn a lot from your colleagues but you will also build relationships that can help you get what you want at your current job.

For instance, to get a promotion you need to go through your management. If you’ve built a good relationship with them, they will already know about your work ethic and how deserving you are of the position.

If you’re not respected by them, getting that promotion will be much harder, even if you’re qualified for it. Help them help you with getting what you deserve.

Learn from your seniors

We are constantly learning at work because the world is constantly evolving.

You need to be comfortable with learning from others, especially from your managers if you’re looking for a promotion in the next few years. It’s perfectly okay to ask for help when you need it and don’t be afraid to ask for professional advice from your management, or from people who have been at the job longer than you have.

They are there to help you, and if they won’t, then you don’t want to turn out to be like them anyway.

Be confident

If you’re not a confident person, act like you are. A good trick to boost self-confidence is listening to motivational talks on youtube or podcasts.

Low confidence can really harm your overall wellbeing and stress levels, so it’s important to remember that you are enough, you are deserving of great things in life, and that you are damn good at your job.

Don’t be afraid to ask for what you deserve

Do you think you deserve a raise? A promotion? Great, now tell yourself why you deserve it.

What have you brought to the company that bettered it? By how much have sales increased since you got there? Once you calculate all of the things that you have done to make your workplace better than what it was before you got there, set up a meeting with your supervisors and explain it all to them.

Invest in yourself

Read more books, meditate, listen to podcasts, take online courses, work out a few times a week. Do whatever you feel helps elevate you and better your life emotionally and physically.

Surround yourself with positive people

The company you keep is very important at work. You need to surround yourself with people who inspire you and people who challenge you to aim higher.

Don’t waste your time on negative Nancys who do not add to your growth, or who do not believe in your vision.

You don’t need to be perfect

Remember, you are not going to be perfect at everything you do. Nobody is. There is no need to beat yourself up about something that you’re not amazing at.

With practice, though, you can definitely work on bettering your skills. So don’t be so hard on yourself when you don’t become a master at something right away.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this blog post on Career Development Goals! It’s never too late to work on yourself and your future. 

Don’t forget to share this with your friends and comment below if you found this useful or what other Career Tips you’ll recommend!

If you want to learn more go and Book a Free Call Here!

Hi, I am Ruth McCrackin!

 Your Career & Success Strategist Coach with well over 11 years of experience working hand in hand with Human Resources and Business Partners in achieving company goals and mission. It is my wish for high achievers to getting their high-end position in attracting their dreams and passion. Avoid the loop holes of missing great opportunities by applying job search strategies, LinkedIn Branding, storytelling, and much more to up level your career and lifestyle. Start Your Transformation Now!

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Consistency With Your Career

Consistency is a great characteristic to build and implement in your life. The key to consistency is setting and achieving specific goals. Start by determining how you want to be more consistent in your life, and aim for these small goals. To have consistent behavior, strive for consistent thinking. How Consistent you are with your Job, How inclined you are towards a Role, these are questions you should ask yourself when starting your dream career. If you are not willing to be consistent with your work , you will not get the results that you’re looking for. Consistency is the key to success, it builds habits and those habits turn into your everyday ritual that keep you focused on your goals and priorities. Anthony Robbins said “It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It’s what we do consistently.” To be consistent requires a commitment on your part. It requires that you commit yourself to a sustained effort of action over the long-term. This consistency will build consistent content for your business, consistent marketing or networking, and then it will cause your audience to be consistent and now your business is thriving from consistent revenue. You have to be willing to put in the work and the dedication, a business cannot grow over night.


Job Searching Tips Productivity and Priority

Declutter Your Mindset

If you begin to follow the process on how to transform your current way of thinking? Its simple by meditating on the things that are not as though they were. Begin to not only imagine what you desire to become, but believe that you have already become the person. Can I walk you through a story that may lighten what I am describing here for you?

What click immediately for me is that I realized when I entered the working world is that staying organized in college is super unique from staying organized at work. It was once a transformational change, and I had to analyze shortly how to organize tasks, emails, and tasks so that I ought to remain on tune at some point of the day, even when I was once being pulled in 10 special directions (who can relate!?)

I learned what labored and what didn’t work so you hopefully don’t have to. Let’s walk thru how I discovered to stay prepared at work!


I used to have an inbox full of disorganized chaos. Internal emails, exterior emails, emails about tasks, emails about projects. Lots of emails.

For my total lifestyles up until I started out working, I used e-mail for pleasure, like to get coupons and be notified of income on my favorite websites. I didn’t have a use for it otherwise, thanks to social media and texting.

When I started working, it didn’t take lengthy for me to realize a giant inbox besides barring any variety of agency wasn’t going to work.


So, I commenced creating folders for everything. I have two main folders, one for all interior emails and one for external emails to clients. Within the inside e-mail folder, I have subfolders for every department at work. This way the emails I need to hold are organized in a way that I recognize exactly the place to seem when I need to appear back on things.

You can create folders then again works pleasant for you. It should be by using person, department, vendor, subject, or a combination. As long as it’s logical for you, that’s all that matters.


I additionally created a rule in Outlook to mechanically throw advertising emails into one folder. They don’t even touch my real inbox.

This by myself will make you drastically extra geared up at work. Hello getting your inbox to zero each and every day.

You can create regulations for emails from sure senders go into sure folders, which leaves you with one much less step to do when you’re going through your email. It’s specially outstanding for junk email. It’s helpful, and I pretty advise attempting it out.


To hold the whole lot consolidated, I use tasks in Outlook. Instead of having a single listing to keep up with daily duties and task tasks, I use the HEK out of color categories.


I created classes that make the most feel for me. I like to maintain up with things I need to do this week and next, plus everyday tasks and projects. Here are the categories I created, each with a one-of-a-kind color:

•          a widespread to do sometime this week category

•          one for matters I need to do someday next week (I type through these each Monday morning)

•          one for every day of the week

•          one for present day projects

•          one for backburner tasks I can work on when I have down time

•          This helps me keep up with what tasks need to be done every day as nicely as what different things I have coming up.

•         There are different systems at work that tune workflows and such, however I maintain my private to do’s in Outlook tasks.

•          First aspect on Mondays I begin making tasks for each day of the week so I can plan my time accordingly. This critically helps preserve me on track and organized.

Another gorgeous way to prioritize your most important tasks for the week and for each person day is by way of the usage of the DESK

A messy desk = messy mind. I am a very tidy person at home, but I see I was once lazy with my cubicle.


For a while, I had to maintain a great quantity of paper in my desk. Thankfully we have moved away from that and long gone almost paperless.

Weekly I go through my drawers and notepads and throw away/shred papers I no longer need. It’s super the amount of crap that can pile up during the shuffle of the week.


I also go via my desk drawers weekly, because at some point of the week when I’m busy I will normally throw pens and papers in random places.

Taking time to prepare my drawers by means of like items, like papers, supplies, and non-public items. After doing this, I feel like I can breathe. Opening drawers that are tidy and being able to locate matters effortlessly leads to less stress throughout the week.

Once I got into the addiction of this, it was once so a good deal less difficult to stay prepared at work.


I decide on to keep my desk floor absolutely clear of something without the essentials. I don’t like having any clutter. Keeping a clear desk makes you appear extra professional and keeps you more targeted for the duration of the week.

I fairly endorse giving this an attempt if you don’t already. Walking into my workplace with a neat and tidy desk surface and geared up drawers relieves so lots stress. And we may want to all use a little less of that.


Although it used to be a getting to know process, developing a gadget to keep my inbox, tasks, and desk more geared up has modified my work lifestyles for the better. I experience less stressed, preserve up with closing dates greater easily, and have a workspace that makes me sense calm when I walk in.

Were these pointers beneficial? Are you feeling inspired to provide your workspace a little makeover? If you have any great guidelines to share to remain organized at work, please share them in the comment box below!

Hi! I am Ruth McCrackin. I help female high achievers land their next position and meeting their dreams and passion! If you are focusing on personal growth and career development. Learn More