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Stop Apologizing at Work

Why Saying Sorry Hurts Your Career

Stop apologizing at work. No more “I’m sorry”, no more asking for forgiveness, and straight up, no more being apologetic in the workplace.

There’s a time and a place to apologize – aka, when you’ve actually done something that warrants you saying sorry. Most times, however, people apologize like galore (especially women), for things they really shouldn’t be sorry for. If you’re guilty of over-apologizing in the workplace, keep reading to understand why this can be detrimental, and what you should say instead.

Stop Apologizing at Work: The Detriment

Creating a habit of saying sorry in the workplace can have a negative result on your career. Here’s why:

  1. It looks like you’re doing something wrong when you’re not. Often, your co-workers or boss will overlook the day to day “mistakes” or mishaps that occur. The moment you say sorry, you’re drawing more attention to a situation that others may have perceived as a non-issue. 
  2. When you say sorry all the time (especially when you’ve done nothing wrong), it makes those around you become immune to your apology, lessening the impact of your words when you actually do make a mistake 
  3. Constantly apologizing makes you come off as being more passive or “weak” in the workplace. It shows an element of self doubt / a lack of confidence; which doesn’t play over well in leadership roles, or if you’re looking to land that job promotion.

Stop Apologizing at Work: Here are Some Alternatives Instead

It’s possible to be a polite person, without being over apologetic. Between being accountable, tweaking your language, and being true to yourself, here are 3 alternatives to saying sorry at work. 

Be accountable

  1. There’s a huge difference between being accountable and apologetic. If there’s a mishap in the workplace, and it’s due to a mistake or an oversight on your end, be accountable. Being accountable, however, does not mean apologizing profusely to the point of no return. Acknowledge what you’ve done, take responsibility, and make it clear that you’re going to fix the situation. 

Tweak your language

Changing your language goes a long way at work. You want to be accountable and respectful, without being self-deprecating. A few simple tweaks in language can make the world of a difference. Here are a few ways to be accountable, versus apologetic. Note the differences in language.

  • Thanks for the catch! I’ll update that now! vs. I’m so sorry, I can’t believe I didn’t notice that in the report!
  • I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule.  vs. I’m so sorry to waste your time, I know you’re so busy!
  • Good call – looks like an oversight on my end. vs. Oh my goodness, I apologize for my mistake! I completely missed that!

3. Don’t say anything at all

Why are you apologizing? Is it because you’re nervous you’re bothering someone? Do you truly feel like you’ve done something at work that warrants a genuine apology? Truth is, most of the time, nothing needs to be said at all. Perhaps you need to “bother” your busy VP to get feedback on a project in order to move ahead. Your first reaction might be to apologize. But why? Is it because you feel you’re not worthy of taking up their time? Nervous they have other things they need to focus on? 

Stop the inner dialogue. Stop the guilt. 

Avoid the nervous mindset of how you’re being a “disturbance” to your boss or team. You’re there to do your job, and if getting feedback is what you need to move ahead with your project, don’t apologize for it. In fact, the thought shouldn’t even cross your mind. Most times, it’s better not to say anything at all, and get straight to the point of why you needed their time in the first place. 

So, stop apologizing at work and start focusing on the value you add in your job, instead. Whether you’re a new grad making your way into the workplace, or a seasoned vet trying to ditch some bad work habits, say it loud and clear: #sorrynotsorry.  

Hi, I am Ruth McCrackin!

 Your Career & Success Strategist Coach with well over 11 years of experience working hand in hand with Human Resources and Business Partners in achieving company goals and mission. It is my wish for high achievers to getting their high-end position in attracting their dreams and passion. Avoid the loop holes of missing great opportunities by applying job search strategies, LinkedIn Branding, storytelling, and much more to up level your career and lifestyle. Start Your Transformation Now!

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How to Further your Career

How to Further Your Career

Whether you are trying to climb the corporate ladder or take on more responsibility at your current role, you need to develop a plan to advance your career. Developing career goals is important, but creating resolutions is a good way to keep inspired to strive for your dreams. Resolving to reach your career goals is the easiest way to stay motivated. To help you make a few good decisions, here are few things you could do to advance your career further.

#1: Set Career Goals

In establishing goals, one should not just be focused on success. Instead, one should define what success means to them. The ultimate success for someone may be a step toward achieving bigger goals for someone else. Having a clear idea of what you want to accomplish from your career will assist you in making decisions that will assist you in achieving it and keep you on track

#2: Build Your Network

The benefits of networking include improving your skill set, staying current with the latest trends in your industry, checking in on job openings, meeting prospective mentors, partners, and clients, and getting access to necessary resources to help develop your career. Your career also advances, and more job opportunities are available as a result of networking. A broader network of contacts opens doors to new positions, career advancements, and personal development. 

#3: Get A Career Coach.

IAn experienced career coach can help you find a new job, enhance your leadership skills, and achieve a healthier work-life balance. As you progress in your career, your coach will check in to ensure your goals are met, motivate you, and monitor how you are doing.  Coaches work closely with clients at every level to help them land the jobs they desire, but the relationship often doesn’t stop there. A lot of professionals keep in contact with their coaches to get career advice when they need it. The ability to use this skill for career development and satisfaction has proven valuable in the past.

#4: Maintain A Blog

Having a blog will increase your online presence and provide you with an efficient method of promoting your business You can be found quickly with search engines like Google. Imagine a recruiter discovering your blog while searching online for you, and that demonstrates your knowledge of the industry. Surely this is better than looking for your Instagram account just to see all your vacation photos.  It can make all the difference to include your personal blog. As a result, your application is stronger thanks to additional information about yourself 

#5: Getting Involved

Attending events will give you the opportunity to meet people who can help you advance in your career. Create your own event series to meet key executives and other influential speakers if you want to demonstrate more leadership. The service you provide in the community not only changes who you are as a person. Additionally, you may be introduced to new, perhaps more morally sound, career paths. Volunteering in your community can also serve your professional interests, as well as the communities you serve.

#6:Professional Development

Investing in professional development will boost your credibility and boost your confidence. Various professional development activities such as workshops, conferences, and other networking events offer professionals the chance to expand their networks and meet other professionals around their industry that may be able to assist them with their career development and future opportunities.  

If you want to learn more go and Book a Free Call Here!

Hi, I am Ruth McCrackin!

 Your Career & Success Strategist Coach with well over 11 years of experience working hand in hand with Human Resources and Business Partners in achieving company goals and mission. It is my wish for high achievers to getting their high-end position in attracting their dreams and passion. Avoid the loop holes of missing great opportunities by applying job search strategies, LinkedIn Branding, storytelling, and much more to up level your career and lifestyle. Start Your Transformation Now!

Attracting Your Dream Career Career coaching Career Development Marketing Networking Promoting yourself

Mistakes To Avoid In Creating Career Development Plans

Mistakes To Avoid In Creating Career Development Plans

When putting career development plan ideas together, it’s easy to imagine that people will follow a linear path that’s easy to predict. It could be a simple matter of following an organizational chart to plan advancement or looking at the basic qualifications for a specific dream job. 

Locking into a rigid career path, however, might make it difficult to identify unexpected opportunities, making it one of the career mistakes to avoid.

Planning to take on a higher job role in a specific company, for instance, could be a recipe for disappointment if the company goes out of business before that happens. Focusing instead on ascending to a job position in an industry, however, leaves the door open to many possibilities that could accomplish this goal.

Lack Of Career Development Focus

At the other extreme, jobseekers often make the mistake of not being focused enough when formulating their career development plan. They may list too many things to work and fail to prioritize anything. Choosing a few specific goals with clear steps for achieving them is a good best practice to avoid this problem. When goals are not clearly identified, it can be hard to determine when they’re close to being achieved.

A good career development plan should always have mechanisms in place to assess progress, whether through quantifiable or observable methods. Researching career development goals can help to dispel any misconceptions about roles or positions, keeping development focused on skills, competencies, and experience that will help professionals to succeed when they actually reach those milestones. 

Over-Idealizing Your Career Goals

There is a difference between identifying career development plan goals that will be fulfilling professionally and fantasizing about the “perfect” job. It’s important to have a realistic view of what a future position will be like ahead of time; otherwise, leaders could be setting themselves up for disappointment and frustration.

The world will not stop just because they’ve reached their goal, so they need to be sure to focus on the implications of the goal and not simply on achieving it.

Failing to Emphasize Your Skills And Experiences

While technical skills and experience are often prerequisites to step into many positions, at a certain point career advancement becomes less about specific competencies and more about your skills, such as one’s ability to influence others, manage conflict, and communicate effectively. 

Developing emotional intelligence and active listening skills is crucial to becoming a successful person, but it’s easy to forget about these qualities when looking at the technical skills that might be expected of more high-level positions.

A good career development plan should place special emphasis on identifying potential mentors and coaches in a chosen field.

Building a relationship with a a professional career coach can also help to reinforce your skills that are so essential to bring you success.

If you want to learn more go and Book a Free Call Here!

Hi, I am Ruth McCrackin!

 Your Career & Success Strategist Coach with well over 11 years of experience working hand in hand with Human Resources and Business Partners in achieving company goals and mission. It is my wish for high achievers to getting their high-end position in attracting their dreams and passion. Avoid the loop holes of missing great opportunities by applying job search strategies, LinkedIn Branding, storytelling, and much more to up level your career and lifestyle. Start Your Transformation Now

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Simple Steps In Building A Career Development Plan

Simple Steps In Building A Career Development Plan

Setting specific, measurable career development goals can help you get to the next level in your career. While developing a career plan can entail a significant amount of work, it will pay off in helping you to understand where you want to go with your career next and what you need to do to get there.

The secret behind building a career development plan is taking responsibility for your own professional growth. No one is going to come in with a magic wand and give you your own business or ensure you’ll achieve a leadership role at your current company – you have to create a career development plan for yourself.

What Is Career Development?

What is career development? It depends on who you ask. Young professionals may equate making a career development plan with making more money. Small business owners likely see career development as a tool for enhancing the lives of employers and employees alike, since fulfilling careers create happy, hard-working employees.

For people at any stage in their career, the prospect of building a career development plan often sparks mixed emotions, from excitement to apprehension about all the unknowns. So when we ask what is career development, what we’re really getting at is values. 

Career development is directly linked to the goals and objectives set by an individual. It starts with self-actualization and self-assessment of one’s interests and capabilities. The interests are then matched with the available options.

What Is A Career Development Plan?

A career development plan is a personal action plan that you can use to create a roadmap for your career. The typical career development plan example outlines:

  • The starting point: Where you are now in your career
  • The destination: Where you want to go in your career
  • The gap: The obstacles you must overcome to reach the destination
  • The route: How to close the gap to reach your intended destination

Your personalized development plan will help you to identify specific, achievable career goals and then design and implement strategies to reach your goals.

1. Identify Your Current Job Position

The first step in any career development plan is to identify where you are now in your career. This step also allows you to reflect on your current skillset and strengths.

At this stage, you should consider questions like:

  • What are my past experiences?
  • What do I enjoy doing?
  • What kinds of natural skills and talents do I have?
  • What am I doing when I feel most excited or motivated at work?
  • Do I prefer leading a group, working with peers or working alone?
  • What energizes me? What drains my energy?
  • Do I have a specific calling in life?
  • What about my career motivates me to get up and go to work in the morning?

Take some time to write down the answers to these questions. Note your current position in your field, including whether you have finished your education or would like to pursue additional graduate education and where you fall on the career ladder.

2. Consider Your Career Paths

When building a career development plan, you must also consider the career paths available to you. Unlike career ladders, which are vertical, career paths explore options in all directions, potentially in multiple organizations.

To find your career path, look beyond the obvious career ladders to the more nuanced options, like horizontal career lattices, dual career ladders and encore careers. Examining multi-dimensional career development paths provides more options for discovering what really inspires you.

3. Set Goals For Your Career

In order to learn how to create a development plan for your career, you must set goals for yourself. Where are you in your professional journey right now and where do you want to be? Don’t just make up a vague goal like “get a promotion.”

Think of a specific goal you can track. For instance, decide you want to be vice president of a Fortune 500 company in the next 10 years. Pick an objective that’s within the realm of possibility that you can realistically begin working toward.

Why You Should Consider Careating A Career Development Plan?

Whether you just graduated from college or you have been in the workforce for years, a career development plan can be an important tool to advance your goals. Mapping out your future career will not only help you to reach your career goals, but will also help you to stay motivated and inspired at work, increase your productivity, and strengthen your relationship with mentors and supervisors.

Stay on top of your plan, and chances are you will be able to take your career to the next level.

If you want to learn more go and Book a Free Call Here!

Hi, I am Ruth McCrackin!

 Your Career & Success Strategist Coach with well over 11 years of experience working hand in hand with Human Resources and Business Partners in achieving company goals and mission. It is my wish for high achievers to getting their high-end position in attracting their dreams and passion. Avoid the loop holes of missing great opportunities by applying job search strategies, LinkedIn Branding, storytelling, and much more to up level your career and lifestyle. Start Your Transformation Now

Attracting Your Dream Career Career coaching Career Development Marketing Networking Promoting yourself

Career Development Tips That Will Help You Keep Ahead Of Your Career Plans

Career Development Tips That Will Help You Keep Ahead of Your Career Plans

Career development is important for both employees and employers. There may be several unintended and undesired changes as well as consequences that can change the entire scenario. In such a situation both employees and employers must be ready to keep with the changing environment and act accordingly.

Employees continuously need to upgrade their skills and competencies to meet the current demands where as organizations must be ready with those employees who can handle the pressure efficiently and cease the risk of falling prey to the changed scenario. Therefore, understanding the importance of career development is very necessary for both the parties.

Career development is a must if you expect to gain maximum success and happiness from the hours you invest in work. You are likely going to work 40 hours a week for your entire adult life, and by managing your career effectively, you can make the best of those 40 hours.

Developing your talents and skills will stretch your world and enable more of your unique contribution. This, in turn, can make your career successful.

Set Goals And Create A Plan To Achieve Them

Could your career development and management use help to gain momentum? People who are the most successful and satisfied in their careers have proactively determined what they want from work.

First consider what you want to achieve, and then commit to it. Set SMART (specific, measureable, attainable, relevant and time-bound) goals that motivate you and write them down to make them feel tangible. Then plan the steps you must take to realize your goal, and cross off each one as you work through them.

Careate A Career Development Roadmap

Evaluate where you are and where you want to be in your career/careers. It can help you decide if you want to change career paths and can guide you in searching for a new job. The road map identifies the following four cyclical steps:

  1. Know yourself
  2. Explore and choose options
  3. Gain knowledge and experience
  4. Put it all together: the job search process

Do The PDCA Method (Plan-Do-Check-Act)

PDCA (plan–do–check–act), shown in Figure 1, above, is a four-step strategy for carrying out change. You can use it to evaluate where you are in the career-development process and to identify your next steps. The strategy is typically used in the business arena as a framework for improving processes and services. But you can think of your career as a personal product you are offering or selling.

  1. PLAN: What are your goals and objectives? What process will you use to get to your targets? You might want to plan smaller to begin with and test out possible effects. For instance, if you are thinking of getting into a certain career, you might plan to try it out first as an intern or volunteer or on a part-time basis. When you start on a small scale, you can test possible outcomes.
  2. DO: Implement your plan. Sell your product—which is YOU and your skills, talents, energy, and enthusiasm. Collect data as you go along; you will need it for charting and analyzing in the Check and Act steps ahead.
  3. CHECK: Look at your results so far. Are you happy with your job or wherever you are in the career-development process? How is your actual accomplishment measuring up next to your intentions and wishes? Look for where you may have deviated in your intended steps. For example, did you take a job in another city when your initial plans were for working closer to friends and family? What are the pros and cons? If you like, create a chart that shows you all the factors. With a chart, it will be easier to see trends over several PDCA cycles.
  4. ACT: How should you act going forward? What changes in planning, doing, and checking do you want to take? The PDCA framework is an ongoing process. Keep planning, doing, checking, and acting. The goal is continuous improvement.

Remember that setting goals for work is best when it is an ongoing practice. Line up your personal goals for work in a way that allows you to gather those accomplishments and learn the skills.

As a Career coach I am here to help you create an effective career plan that brings you one step closer to your dream job. I will teach you on how to design and implement your career plan, create a personal development plan , and set achievable goals

If you want to learn more go and Book a Free Call Here!

Hi, I am Ruth McCrackin!

 Your Career & Success Strategist Coach with well over 11 years of experience working hand in hand with Human Resources and Business Partners in achieving company goals and mission. It is my wish for high achievers to getting their high-end position in attracting their dreams and passion. Avoid the loop holes of missing great opportunities by applying job search strategies, LinkedIn Branding, storytelling, and much more to up level your career and lifestyle. Start Your Transformation Now

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Career development goals that you should set

Career Development Goals that you Should Set!

Career goals are one of the most necessary things to have for your professional development!

That’s why you’re here trying to learn more about how to make the most out of yourself!

You’re the type of person who wants to be the best that they can be and the same goes for your career development goals.

It’s great that you’re here because I have been exactly where you are. I went through the same thing. I worked through developing career goals for myself that were meant to carry me through my career and professional life. And honestly, it has made all the difference.

Your professional development goals are going to help you to stay on track and keep the big picture in mind no matter what each day brings. That’s why it’s so important to take this time to create these goals for yourself.

Goal setting is not always as easy as it sounds. You don’t always have all of the information that you need to know if you will be able to achieve your goal.

You really have to think about how you are going about choosing your professional, personal, or career goals.

Career development goals are extremely important to have for your sustained success. They are the goals that you will set for yourself to develop a little bit each day into your best self at work.

Professional development is one of the cornerstones of your career. Growing your skillset and knowledge base will be one of the key factors to your success.

Career goals are sometimes abstract and sometimes very clearly defined. You will use short term goals and long term goals together to achieve the highest level of happiness and success that you can.

Career Goals

After laying the foundation for why you are working so hard, and learning about how to best set goals, now we can talk about some actual examples of career goals.

You will be able to take these broad professional goals and define them more clearly to your exact situation.

Improve your communication skills

One of the most important things in any line of work is the ability to communicate effectively. This includes being able to take extremely difficult concepts and break them down into simple precise thoughts.

Having the ability to give clear instructions or summarize a meeting effectively will set you apart from most of the crowd. Simply taking notes during a meeting and summarizing them in an email for the rest of the attendees will make you more valuable than you can imagine.

Communication skills are built through trial and error. As you develop your knowledge of any given subject, you will be able to have a much better understanding of how to effectively communicate that subject’s concepts to people who do not have as thorough of an understanding.

It will make you a “go-to” person in your organization. That’s why having a goal of improving your communication skills can be so vital to your success.

Earn a reputation

You need to decide what type of reputation that you want to have.

It’s extremely hard to change your reputation once you’ve earned it. Not impossible, but hard.

What do you want people to say about you when you leave a room? How do you want people to view you when they’re putting a team together? Will you be the first person they want or the leftover that just rounds out the numbers?

Think about how you act in front of your peers. Is it in line with how you want them to view you? If not, make some changes. If so, keep up the good work.

Just realize that people notice what you do even if you don’t think so.

Lead yourself, and lead others

Before you can lead other people, you have to be able to lead yourself. Are you sleeping in until the last minute before you jump out of bed to run out the door? Are you taking care of your mental and physical health? Is there something that you know you could be doing better, but you just aren’t?

I think we have all been guilty of being bad at leading ourselves at one point or another. We don’t always practice what we know will be the best things for us. But it’s extremely important to make leading ourselves a goal to be able to develop ourselves personally and professionally.

Once you find out what’s most important to you, you can establish a solid code of conduct for yourself. People will fall in line after you.

Be a good follower

There are going to be times where you just need to let someone else lead. Don’t take these times as a challenge to your leadership abilities, take it for exactly what it is: someone else having leadership capabilities as well.

It may or may not be a professional goal for you to become a manager or move up the ladder, but no matter where you are in the chain of command, you will need to know how to follow others at times.

When someone gives you a task to complete, do it with a smile on your face. If someone else is leading your team, be the best damn team member they have ever had.

Understanding how to follow is one of the most important career goals to have.

Surround yourself with great people

Becoming part of a tribe is extremely important to your success. I wish I would’ve understood the power of a strong network much earlier in my working years. I thought I needed to do everything myself. I would try to mask my weaknesses by working extremely hard at completing tasks that I knew I wasn’t a good fit for.

Now I understand that it isn’t necessary to do that. It is so much better for you to have people around you who have strengths that complement your weaknesses. Be honest with yourself about what you’re not great at, and let someone else take the reins for those tasks.

You become the people who you spend the most time around. Make sure you’re surrounding yourself with people who you admire.

Continuously grow your skill set

Something that all employers will admire is a passion for learning. There will most likely be optional training available at your place of work. You should sign up for everyone that you can.

Not only will these training courses develop your skills in whatever area they are teaching about, it will also open your eyes to other people’s ways of thinking.

The instructor will have a particular worldview and skill set that has shaped them into being a person capable of teaching that course. There is a lot to learn a lot from someone who has a level of mastery in their craft.

Professional goals are vital to your success and set them the right way can maximize your chance of being the best that you can be.

Take some time to sit down and think about the legacy that you want to leave for yourself. What makes you happy? How do you evaluate yourself? Keep these things in mind when you’re creating your goals.

If you want to learn more go and Book a Free Call Here!

Hi, I am Ruth McCrackin!

 Your Career & Success Strategist Coach with well over 11 years of experience working hand in hand with Human Resources and Business Partners in achieving company goals and mission. It is my wish for high achievers to getting their high-end position in attracting their dreams and passion. Avoid the loop holes of missing great opportunities by applying job search strategies, LinkedIn Branding, storytelling, and much more to up level your career and lifestyle. Start Your Transformation Now

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8 Career Development Tips Everyone Should know

8 Career Development Tips Everyone Should know

In today’s post, I am writing all about career development tips for working women-especially those of you who are just venturing out into the corporate world.

Now, I don’t want to seem like I know it all. Believe me, I don’t. However, I do think that I have some advice for all you working women who want to be the best version of themselves at work.

When you’re thinking about the goals that you are creating, make sure to keep the big picture in mind. Start with finding your why. Learning what drives you is the first step to having any kind of success with achieving your career development and professional goals.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you want to create well thought out career goals that you have confidence in achieving. It’s OK to fail sometimes, but eventually you want to reach the goals that you set for yourself!

If you’ve been looking for friendly advice on what to expect in the workplace, read on.

Be friendly but assertive

I chose this as my first piece of advice because I often see a lot of working women either being too nice or too firm.

To put it simply, if you’re too nice you’ll be seen as a pushover and people will expect things of you that are not part of your job, and if you’re too firm then you will be labeled a bitch.

I love the saying “It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it” because you can absolutely say “no” to something but remain professional and tactful. Balance is key.

Build strong professional relationships

This one has been a lifesaver for me whenever I wanted to advance in my career or even change jobs.

Networking is one of the most important things you can do as a working woman. Not only will you learn a lot from your colleagues but you will also build relationships that can help you get what you want at your current job.

For instance, to get a promotion you need to go through your management. If you’ve built a good relationship with them, they will already know about your work ethic and how deserving you are of the position.

If you’re not respected by them, getting that promotion will be much harder, even if you’re qualified for it. Help them help you with getting what you deserve.

Learn from your seniors

We are constantly learning at work because the world is constantly evolving.

You need to be comfortable with learning from others, especially from your managers if you’re looking for a promotion in the next few years. It’s perfectly okay to ask for help when you need it and don’t be afraid to ask for professional advice from your management, or from people who have been at the job longer than you have.

They are there to help you, and if they won’t, then you don’t want to turn out to be like them anyway.

Be confident

If you’re not a confident person, act like you are. A good trick to boost self-confidence is listening to motivational talks on youtube or podcasts.

Low confidence can really harm your overall wellbeing and stress levels, so it’s important to remember that you are enough, you are deserving of great things in life, and that you are damn good at your job.

Don’t be afraid to ask for what you deserve

Do you think you deserve a raise? A promotion? Great, now tell yourself why you deserve it.

What have you brought to the company that bettered it? By how much have sales increased since you got there? Once you calculate all of the things that you have done to make your workplace better than what it was before you got there, set up a meeting with your supervisors and explain it all to them.

Invest in yourself

Read more books, meditate, listen to podcasts, take online courses, work out a few times a week. Do whatever you feel helps elevate you and better your life emotionally and physically.

Surround yourself with positive people

The company you keep is very important at work. You need to surround yourself with people who inspire you and people who challenge you to aim higher.

Don’t waste your time on negative Nancys who do not add to your growth, or who do not believe in your vision.

You don’t need to be perfect

Remember, you are not going to be perfect at everything you do. Nobody is. There is no need to beat yourself up about something that you’re not amazing at.

With practice, though, you can definitely work on bettering your skills. So don’t be so hard on yourself when you don’t become a master at something right away.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this blog post on Career Development Goals! It’s never too late to work on yourself and your future. 

Don’t forget to share this with your friends and comment below if you found this useful or what other Career Tips you’ll recommend!

If you want to learn more go and Book a Free Call Here!

Hi, I am Ruth McCrackin!

 Your Career & Success Strategist Coach with well over 11 years of experience working hand in hand with Human Resources and Business Partners in achieving company goals and mission. It is my wish for high achievers to getting their high-end position in attracting their dreams and passion. Avoid the loop holes of missing great opportunities by applying job search strategies, LinkedIn Branding, storytelling, and much more to up level your career and lifestyle. Start Your Transformation Now!

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Business Strategies on How to Promote Your Business

Embrace social media 

Know your platforms and what audience you want to attract social media can help bring in revenue to your business and keep people posted on the changes within your business. Social media has now become a necessary time investment for every business to make.

Create a blog

Posting frequent and consistent content drives educational and entertainment value, and you’ll increase your website’s traffic. Create content that speaks to your target audience’s pin points, and make sure the headlines accurately describe the content that follows. Businesses with consistent and frequent blogging will attract the most attention, The important part is the quality of your posts.

Give A Presentation or Webinar

This strategy can be equally effective online and offline. By offering a webinar or workshop, you can attract your target audience and collect their contact information for future followup. Effective webinar content should showcase problems, kills objections, and deliver value without teaching too much. The content should teach your audience what to want, and that what will be your product. Having that engagement enables both you and your audience to grow in your understandings of one another, and it has the unique benefit of building a relationship

Comment on Blogs In Your Niche

Leaving a comment on other related blogs can help rank your content on search engines faster, because it allows your search engine to pick up and more likely to index your content with a higher ranking. Also leaving comments starts a relationship with other bloggers who could likely share your content bringing in more traffic to your business. 

Do it Better 

Business are often started as an attempt to do something better than the existing marketplace, And no this does not mean every other business is your competitors. Find your niche, do your research, and figure out what other businesses may lack or need to improve on and do that. You want to be the best in the area that interest you. 

Get a website

Your website is the go-to for current and prospective customers, A website offers a wide variety of benefits for small businesses, and most of these benefits increase value and revenue. 


Marketing Networking Promoting yourself Social Media Marketing

Tips on How to Promote Yourself

  • Know Your Audience– Be strategic in what you share, with whom you share it and how you communicate your experience. If you don’t know your audience, you won’t even know what strategies or media to choose, let alone what messages to give them. The more you understand your audience, the more powerful your SEO and marketing efforts will become.
  • Promote Your Value– A company’s values need to be more than just words if taken seriously, they can be the key to success. Company values benefit customers, suppliers, employees and the community. Businesses with strong values, driven from the top down, are also able to attract and retain the best talent.
  • Interact With People. Interaction is what keeps your business going, you want to keep people drawn into your business by posting new content, answering questions, and networking. 
  • Be Informative. Great content is all about answering the questions your audience has about your business and how you can help them. Not all of what you write and share will lead people to buy your product or service, somethings will just be beneficial to your audience  for their own personal knowledge which shows you truly care about your business and helping your audience. 


Blogging Email marketing Marketing Social Media Marketing

Day 3 : Marketing Strategies

  • Always update your content, Updating your content can result in better search rankings, more links, more traffic, social shares, and new customers discovering you. It is extremely important to keep your content up to date as the content produced is what your clients have confidence in.
  • Search engine optimization also known as SEO, is a process that allows you To plan outline and implement steps to improve search engine rankings and bring more traffic to your website. The higher you rank in search results for keywords related to your business, the higher the chances that searchers will click to visit your website.
  • Blogging and posting relevant content is an incredibly useful tool to increase traffic to your website and to your services. Brand awareness is an immensely important element of marketing and blog posting will allow you to show your followers a personal side of your business. You can open up your brand message and engage existing and perspective customers in a way not possible through outbound marketing mechanisms and techniques. Blogging is also the perfect way to establish a brand voice, becoming recognizable to customers and growing loyalty. A great blog shows that your brand has its own unique personality. 
  • Email marketing helps you connect with your audience to promote your brand and increase sales. It is a highly effective way to keep people engaged with your brand. Email marketing is a digital marketing strategy based on sending emails and developing relationships with prospects and customers. An effective email marketing strategy convert prospects into customers, and turn first time buyers into recurring customers. Email can be an effective promotion channel for the high-value content you create on your website.