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Stop Apologizing at Work

Why Saying Sorry Hurts Your Career

Stop apologizing at work. No more “I’m sorry”, no more asking for forgiveness, and straight up, no more being apologetic in the workplace.

There’s a time and a place to apologize – aka, when you’ve actually done something that warrants you saying sorry. Most times, however, people apologize like galore (especially women), for things they really shouldn’t be sorry for. If you’re guilty of over-apologizing in the workplace, keep reading to understand why this can be detrimental, and what you should say instead.

Stop Apologizing at Work: The Detriment

Creating a habit of saying sorry in the workplace can have a negative result on your career. Here’s why:

  1. It looks like you’re doing something wrong when you’re not. Often, your co-workers or boss will overlook the day to day “mistakes” or mishaps that occur. The moment you say sorry, you’re drawing more attention to a situation that others may have perceived as a non-issue. 
  2. When you say sorry all the time (especially when you’ve done nothing wrong), it makes those around you become immune to your apology, lessening the impact of your words when you actually do make a mistake 
  3. Constantly apologizing makes you come off as being more passive or “weak” in the workplace. It shows an element of self doubt / a lack of confidence; which doesn’t play over well in leadership roles, or if you’re looking to land that job promotion.

Stop Apologizing at Work: Here are Some Alternatives Instead

It’s possible to be a polite person, without being over apologetic. Between being accountable, tweaking your language, and being true to yourself, here are 3 alternatives to saying sorry at work. 

Be accountable

  1. There’s a huge difference between being accountable and apologetic. If there’s a mishap in the workplace, and it’s due to a mistake or an oversight on your end, be accountable. Being accountable, however, does not mean apologizing profusely to the point of no return. Acknowledge what you’ve done, take responsibility, and make it clear that you’re going to fix the situation. 

Tweak your language

Changing your language goes a long way at work. You want to be accountable and respectful, without being self-deprecating. A few simple tweaks in language can make the world of a difference. Here are a few ways to be accountable, versus apologetic. Note the differences in language.

  • Thanks for the catch! I’ll update that now! vs. I’m so sorry, I can’t believe I didn’t notice that in the report!
  • I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule.  vs. I’m so sorry to waste your time, I know you’re so busy!
  • Good call – looks like an oversight on my end. vs. Oh my goodness, I apologize for my mistake! I completely missed that!

3. Don’t say anything at all

Why are you apologizing? Is it because you’re nervous you’re bothering someone? Do you truly feel like you’ve done something at work that warrants a genuine apology? Truth is, most of the time, nothing needs to be said at all. Perhaps you need to “bother” your busy VP to get feedback on a project in order to move ahead. Your first reaction might be to apologize. But why? Is it because you feel you’re not worthy of taking up their time? Nervous they have other things they need to focus on? 

Stop the inner dialogue. Stop the guilt. 

Avoid the nervous mindset of how you’re being a “disturbance” to your boss or team. You’re there to do your job, and if getting feedback is what you need to move ahead with your project, don’t apologize for it. In fact, the thought shouldn’t even cross your mind. Most times, it’s better not to say anything at all, and get straight to the point of why you needed their time in the first place. 

So, stop apologizing at work and start focusing on the value you add in your job, instead. Whether you’re a new grad making your way into the workplace, or a seasoned vet trying to ditch some bad work habits, say it loud and clear: #sorrynotsorry.  

Hi, I am Ruth McCrackin!

 Your Career & Success Strategist Coach with well over 11 years of experience working hand in hand with Human Resources and Business Partners in achieving company goals and mission. It is my wish for high achievers to getting their high-end position in attracting their dreams and passion. Avoid the loop holes of missing great opportunities by applying job search strategies, LinkedIn Branding, storytelling, and much more to up level your career and lifestyle. Start Your Transformation Now!

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Why having a Career Coach is Beneficial

With the assistance of a career coach, you can set out an actionable blueprint for finding the job of your dreams and gain confidence during the search.

A Career Coach holds you accountable

A career coach’s objective is to help you achieve your goals. Therefore, a career coach will motivate you, monitor your progress, and follow up with you to ensure that you’re proceeding accordingly. The idea of changing careers or improving your career prospects keeps coming up, but nothing really seems to materialize. Are you putting in the effort and time required to make those changes? After all, change is hard. With the help of a career coach, you can ensure that you are making the right decisions or getting on the right track to reach your career goals.

A Career Coach can help prepare you for interviews 

Considering how important most interviews are to a job offer, getting the guidance of a coach can be extremely helpful. A coach can calm your nerves if you have been out of work. They can provide you with professional insight on how to answer different interview questions.

You can also get feedback from career coaches by having mock interviews. These practice sessions will help you develop general interview skills or prepare for a specific interview. You will likely be given feedback on how you did and where you can improve, along with exercises that can help calm your nerves or improve the way you speak.

Build connections 

Coaches help us improve in a variety of areas of our lives, ranging from career to finances, relationships, and other areas. It’s sort of a life-changing experience. Professional coaching has a much greater impact on interpersonal relationships and workplace productivity.

Help Establish realistic career goals 

Having a career coach who is not personally invested in your success allows you to get results faster. Career coaches cannot help you if their interests do not align with yours. They are purely concerned about your accomplishments.

If you need assistance navigating a particular career field, career coaches can assist with salary negotiation and job search techniques . If you need information about a specific career field, they can help bridge that gap.

Having a career coach can help you overcome challenges, opportunities, and dilemmas along the way, boosting your professional confidence and knowledge enormously. Hiring a career counselor isn’t just for people who are unemployed or encountering problems during a job search, as they can help you in many more scenarios. In addition to helping you gain confidence in new phases of your career, career coaches help make your work experience more fulfilling, focused, and supportive.

If you want to learn more go and Book a Free Call Here!

Hi, I am Ruth McCrackin!

 Your Career & Success Strategist Coach with well over 11 years of experience working hand in hand with Human Resources and Business Partners in achieving company goals and mission. It is my wish for high achievers to getting their high-end position in attracting their dreams and passion. Avoid the loop holes of missing great opportunities by applying job search strategies, LinkedIn Branding, storytelling, and much more to up level your career and lifestyle. Start Your Transformation Now!

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Why Having a Career Coach Benefits Your Career?

Career coaching is a resource that can provide significant value to your professional life. Career coaches can help you determine your optimal career trajectory, improve your resume, develop a practical networking strategy, prepare for job interviews, negotiate salary, or even start your own business. Career coaches can help you gain a clearer understanding of your value as a worker.

Learn Critical Skills for Your Work Environment 

  • to be successful in your job-search strategy, it’s crucial to have an understanding of the skills that will best position you for success. employers want to make sure you are qualified for the job by having the appropriate degree, but they also need to know if you have the skill set too, and a career coach has years of experience identifying prospective employees and will prepare you for your next steps in your career

A Career Coach Holds You Accountable 

  • A career coach will give you the tools to refine your career, and hold you accountable to reaching your goals. This will mold you to becoming the person you want for your career. The goal of career coaching is to empower professionals by helping them make informed decisions about their trajectory. 

Improve Your Networking Skills 

  • Your coach will give you the key to assess your current career situation, identify your strengths and weaknesses as well as your differentiating factors, identify potential skills gaps and recommend actions to fill them. A career coach gives you the resources and information you need to build a strong network, and that could be just what you need to land job interviews with your preferred employers, for roles that you want. As a career coach, one of the primary skills for clients to build is their networking skills. Networking skills aren’t just about getting what you want, but they’re about connecting, helping, and building reliable relationships for your career. 

Provide Honest Feedback

  • A career coach will serve as a neutral third party who can provide constructive, independent advice. They identify your strengths and pinpoint any weaknesses. As a result, you can put your best foot forward or bring you down to earth when your goals aren’t realistic. When you meet with a career coach, they will give you objective and unbiased feedback about what you’re doing right and what you should improve in your job search. 

What a Career Coach Does Not Do

  • While these experts can and will provide you with the tools and resources necessary to make you and your job search successful, they’re not there to do the work for you. Career coaches are not magicians; they don’t promise you’ll be hired after an interview, and they don’t guarantee job placement. I can’t stress this point enough The results of your sessions depend on the effort you devote to the process. Your coach may be able to work through resume and interview preparation with you relatively quickly, but working through issues of self-doubt, lack of confidence, and negativity may take significantly longer. Serious change doesn’t happen overnight.


Attracting Your Dream Career Working From Home

3 Ways to Stay Motivated While Working From Home

Create a schedule- Following a schedule allows you to prioritize your tasks. It allows you to be more organized and consistent with your work. Without a structured workday, time can get away from you and it’s easy to get complacent. Take the opportunity to work from home to prepare your schedule, prioritize your workload, and start the week the right way.

Self care-   Good self-care strategies allows you to put your best foot forward, and perform at your peak with your work. We are all less able to handle the stresses that come our way when we’re depleted by physical and emotional exhaustion. Having healthier eating habits, or Exercising on a weekly basis is not only good for your body and mind, but it’s also great to become happier, healthier, and more motivated in the long run. Even little things like getting out of your pajamas and putting on work clothes will give you the motivation to take on the day. 

Establish a dedicated work environment-  even though your bed might feel like a comfortable spot, create a workspace somewhere else. Create a workspace with limited distractions and interruptions. A proper working environment can get you in the right headspace that you need to work productively. 


Attracting Your Dream Career Working From Home

Tips on How to Balance Working From Home + Homeschooling

Create a routine:  Not only is important for you to have a schedule, but it’s also even more important for your children to have a daily routine. One of the biggest keys to finding balance is creating blocks of time for work, school, self-care, and family time. With school being temporarily closed you’ll want to build a “school” environment for them. You should organize your work around your family’s needs and child care opportunities. Your children are going to look to you in this time for guidance and taking the role of a “teacher”. Children thrive on routine and are happiest when they know what to expect. 

Expect the unexpected: Expect interruptions and unanticipated shifts in priorities. Unexpected interruptions will occur especially with the children being homeschooled, so it is important to be alert. Take breaks to check on the kids, prioritize things that way when something unexpected does occur you’re prepared for whatever gets thrown at you. Some days will be harder than others be efficient, don’t panic, and adapt. 

Limit your distractions: it is important to identify what is distracting you from work, so you know how to avoid or limit those distractions. When you have a solid plan that you can follow through, it makes it easier for you to focus and get less distracted. Also having a good workspace to yourself can limit interruptions, When you have a separate space, which ideally should not be your bedroom or the couch in the living room, then you are less prone to get distracted. 

Let the children make some of their own decisions: Set up routines and systems so your child can independently handle situations like replacing the toilet paper, sharpening a pencil, or feeding the family pet. Encourage the older children to step and to help each other first before calling for your help. In this time you want to help your child build independence for example little things like having their food prepared the prior day and allowing them to get it on their own, daily chores, or an older sibling helping the younger with homework. 

Communicate with your employer:   You want to immediately notify your job, of the changes at home so they can also expect the unexpected. If you communicate with your manager, most times they will work with you to accommodate your situation. Your job will be more understanding about interruptions if you warn them ahead of time.