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How to Stay Motivated in Your Career

How to Stay Motivated in Your Career

The quality of your work and your career success can be impacted directly by your motivation.  We all have our own motivational reasons for staying motivated, so you need to tailor a motivational that resonates with you. Knowing and understanding yourself will help you make more efficient and effective efforts. If you don’t move forward with your career, you can feel down and discouraged, just as someone who loses their job might. Listed below are a few suggestions you might find helpful for staying motivated in your career. change strategy. 

1. Set New Goals

Motivating yourself with a goal is one of the most effective ways to stay motivated. Your energy can be diverted to things that make a significant difference in your work and life. The goals you set now may be different from the goals you set when you first started your career.  As you advance in your career, setting goals is also vital to helping you earn more. Your performance and job satisfaction play a major role in your career advancement. Planning your career goals and setting professional goals can help you progress in your career.

2. Develop A New Skill

You will be able to advance more quickly in your career by developing the skills employers value.  Enhance your skills, including communication and writing, critical thinking, and problem-solving capabilities, in addition to more general qualities that make an employee pleasing to work with, dependable, and able to rely on. Development in these areas can raise your confidence at work, resulting in a more positive and motivating environment.

3. Make Your Career Enjoyable

Enjoying your work is a great way to keep you motivated. It will be difficult to continue working at your current job if you are always frustrated or bored. If you experience this problem often, you may need to make changes to your usual routine or find new activities to keep yourself occupied. In order to become fulfilled, your career should not drain you. Making things more enjoyable in the workplace can be as simple as challenging yourself at work or redecorating your workspace. Maintaining your positive attitude and motivation will allow you to be engaged in your work, which is the key to turning a job into a career. Actually Taking pleasure in your work.

4. Set Rewards For Yourself

​​Whenever you achieve your goals, reward yourself. Your reward system should be linked to your personal work goals, regardless of personal goals you have. For example, set a timeframe within which you want to improve a professional weakness. Having reached your goal, treat yourself to something tangible — a fine meal or a special item. You can motivate yourself to complete more projects at work by rewarding yourself when you achieve something at work, regardless of how small the accomplishment may be.

5. Use Your Strengths

Making use of your strengths can keep you motivated at work. Suppose, for instance, that you are good at accounting, but excellent at marketing. During your marketing training and employment opportunities, you can use the skills you have. Moreover, you should also think about how you can utilize your knowledge or skills already at your disposal. Your career will move forward this way, and you will always be looking for new opportunities.

Think about using your strengths to advance your career if you find yourself at a crossroads.  It is intuitively clear to many of us what we do well; however, understanding and utilizing our strengths is much more complex. The strengths you possess can contribute to your success in the workplace, regardless of your position or industry. Identify the strengths that are most recommended for your field and begin improving them by reviewing the most sought-after workplace strengths.  

If you want to learn more go and Book a Free Call Here!

Hi, I am Ruth McCrackin!

 Your Career & Success Strategist Coach with well over 11 years of experience working hand in hand with Human Resources and Business Partners in achieving company goals and mission. It is my wish for high achievers to getting their high-end position in attracting their dreams and passion. Avoid the loop holes of missing great opportunities by applying job search strategies, LinkedIn Branding, storytelling, and much more to up level your career and lifestyle. Start Your Transformation Now!

Attracting Your Dream Career Blogging Business promoting Career coaching Career Development Consistency Job Searching Tips LinkedIn profile Marketing Networking Promoting yourself

How to Further your Career

How to Further Your Career

Whether you are trying to climb the corporate ladder or take on more responsibility at your current role, you need to develop a plan to advance your career. Developing career goals is important, but creating resolutions is a good way to keep inspired to strive for your dreams. Resolving to reach your career goals is the easiest way to stay motivated. To help you make a few good decisions, here are few things you could do to advance your career further.

#1: Set Career Goals

In establishing goals, one should not just be focused on success. Instead, one should define what success means to them. The ultimate success for someone may be a step toward achieving bigger goals for someone else. Having a clear idea of what you want to accomplish from your career will assist you in making decisions that will assist you in achieving it and keep you on track

#2: Build Your Network

The benefits of networking include improving your skill set, staying current with the latest trends in your industry, checking in on job openings, meeting prospective mentors, partners, and clients, and getting access to necessary resources to help develop your career. Your career also advances, and more job opportunities are available as a result of networking. A broader network of contacts opens doors to new positions, career advancements, and personal development. 

#3: Get A Career Coach.

IAn experienced career coach can help you find a new job, enhance your leadership skills, and achieve a healthier work-life balance. As you progress in your career, your coach will check in to ensure your goals are met, motivate you, and monitor how you are doing.  Coaches work closely with clients at every level to help them land the jobs they desire, but the relationship often doesn’t stop there. A lot of professionals keep in contact with their coaches to get career advice when they need it. The ability to use this skill for career development and satisfaction has proven valuable in the past.

#4: Maintain A Blog

Having a blog will increase your online presence and provide you with an efficient method of promoting your business You can be found quickly with search engines like Google. Imagine a recruiter discovering your blog while searching online for you, and that demonstrates your knowledge of the industry. Surely this is better than looking for your Instagram account just to see all your vacation photos.  It can make all the difference to include your personal blog. As a result, your application is stronger thanks to additional information about yourself 

#5: Getting Involved

Attending events will give you the opportunity to meet people who can help you advance in your career. Create your own event series to meet key executives and other influential speakers if you want to demonstrate more leadership. The service you provide in the community not only changes who you are as a person. Additionally, you may be introduced to new, perhaps more morally sound, career paths. Volunteering in your community can also serve your professional interests, as well as the communities you serve.

#6:Professional Development

Investing in professional development will boost your credibility and boost your confidence. Various professional development activities such as workshops, conferences, and other networking events offer professionals the chance to expand their networks and meet other professionals around their industry that may be able to assist them with their career development and future opportunities.  

If you want to learn more go and Book a Free Call Here!

Hi, I am Ruth McCrackin!

 Your Career & Success Strategist Coach with well over 11 years of experience working hand in hand with Human Resources and Business Partners in achieving company goals and mission. It is my wish for high achievers to getting their high-end position in attracting their dreams and passion. Avoid the loop holes of missing great opportunities by applying job search strategies, LinkedIn Branding, storytelling, and much more to up level your career and lifestyle. Start Your Transformation Now!

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6 Best Linkedin Profile Strength Tips To Make Your Profile Standout

6 Easy Ways on How To Make Your Linkedin Profile Standout

Here is your ultimate guide to take your LinkedIn profile strength to the next level. Follow these 6 easy tips and tricks and you can create a more and interesting profile.

If you’re looking for some LinkedIn profile tips, you’re most likely in one of these situations:

You’re not landing the clients, job, or employees you want.
Your profile lacks views or popularity.
You don’t know what to write for your LinkedIn profile
If you answered, “that’s me!” to any one of these above points, I completely understand!

I want to share with you my 15 best LinkedIn profile tips so you can:

  • Find great work
  • Make more money
  • Get more profile views
  • Build an incredible network

LinkedIn boasts over 660 million users in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide. With that kind of reach, you can’t afford not to take your LinkedIn profile seriously.

1. Be A Strategic Linkedin User

Building a strong network is about making and maintaining connections. Connecting with someone after a networking event is just half the battle, after all. 

How do you maintain better LinkedIn connections? One word: Engage. 

Here are 2 things you should avoid, and how to use your likes to your advantage.

Don’t be a LinkedIn crawler. You know, those people who just scroll through their feed and aimlessly browse without liking anything. 

Instead, try this: Every time you go on LinkedIn, take a few moments to like a few recent posts in your newsfeed. Whenever you’re liking a post, you’re also showing your connection some appreciation!

Don’t treat your likes like gold. Unlike gold, likes are free. 

Instead, try this: My rule of thumb is, if the post I read provided just an ounce of value, I give it a like! But it’s important to be purposeful about this—don’t just go around liking any and all posts. 

Likes are the easiest way to produce rapport.

Look at the bigger picture. I used to be a serial judger, but liking creates deeper connections. It’s great conversation fodder next time you see them. If you liked an article they posted—even if the post wasn’t excellent—you then can talk about that article next time you see them. Bingo! Conversation starter and liker. 

2. Focus on the Top Sections

Recruiters are busy and so are most professionals. There are a lot of technical advantages to having a very full profile, but you can’t expect everyone who arrives at your page to read every word.

You have to hook them from the start. Include your most important skills, experiences, and qualities high up in your profile. This means your cover photo, profile picture, headline, summary, and recent experience.

So if you won a huge award or have a key certification, don’t wait until the “Accomplishments” or “Licenses & certifications” sections to mention them. Add them to one of your top sections—as high up as is appropriate. The same goes for your most important keywords. Don’t let your most marketable skill get buried in your “Skills & endorsements” section.

3. Attract Recruiters Like a Pro

From the 2017 Jobvite Recruiter Nation Report, below are the top three positive factors that impact a recruiter’s decision to move forward with a candidate.

In case you weren’t aware already, recruiters use LinkedIn to find, qualify, and engage with for open positions. I can’t confirm an actual statistic, but one study reported in 2016 84% of recruiters use LinkedIn to recruit while another study from March 2018 reported that 94% of recruiters use LinkedIn to vet candidates. I believe them both.

  1. Examples of written or design work (65%)
  2. Engagement in volunteering, mentoring, or non-profits (63%)
  3. Mutual connections (35%)

So, if you want to be visible and desirable to recruiters as part (not all) of your job search plan, below are four things you can do to increase your chances.

4. Use Your Summary Wisely

Your summary or “About” section is where you can really show your personality and share your story, Hallow says. And it doesn’t need to be complicated.

Here’s how you might structure it:

  • Introduce yourself. Who are you as a professional and what do you do? What value do you bring to the organizations you work for?
  • Highlight your key skills, experiences, and achievements in paragraph form or a bulleted list.
  • Talk about who you are outside of work. This is optional, but you never know which of your interests might resonate with a recruiter, future employer, or professional connection.
  • Call the reader to action by asking them to connect with you to discuss growth marketing, contact you about job or speaking opportunities, or do whatever you’re currently looking to get from your LinkedIn profile.

Even if you follow this structure, there are infinite ways to write your summary. “The ‘About’ section is very personal,” Wasserman says. Use the first person, and don’t be afraid to talk about what really matters to you in your career.

5. Credibility In Telling Your Story

Credibility is essential to telling your story on LinkedIn. Because what’s a story if no one can back up its claims?

Enter the LinkedIn Recommendations section. A recommendation is how your community can validate your professional story by writing about their experience working with you.

Request recommendations from a diverse group of people you’ve collaborated with across different roles, and who can speak to your specific work experience, skills, and major achievements. 

When asking executives or senior leaders for a recommendation, consider writing a first draft of  the recommendation for them as a starting point and let them edit to fit their voice and tone. By giving them a starting point, you’ll help them narrow their focus on what you would like them to say and save them time.

6. Show Off Your Expertise or Best Work in the Features Section

Just below the “About” section is the “Featured” sections, which allows you to showcase media, links, and LinkedIn articles and posts at the top of your profile. Sharing the work or mentions that are most relevant to your personal brand and LinkedIn goals is a great opportunity to show your skills in action, Wasserman says.

If you have an online portfolio, the “Featured” section is a great, highly visible spot to link to it.

Summary: Your LinkedIn Tips To-Do List

Here is a quick to do list from this article that you can do with your LinkedIn profile strength right now:

  • Be a strateguc Linkedin User
  • Focus on the top sections
  • Attract recruited like a pro
  • Use your summary wisely
  • Credibility in telling your story
  • Show off your expertise or best work in the features section

If you want to learn more go and Book a Free Call Here!

Hi, I am Ruth McCrackin!

 Your Career & Success Strategist Coach with well over 11 years of experience working hand in hand with Human Resources and Business Partners in achieving company goals and mission. It is my wish for high achievers to getting their high-end position in attracting their dreams and passion. Avoid the loop holes of missing great opportunities by applying job search strategies, LinkedIn Branding, storytelling, and much more to up level your career and lifestyle. Start Your Transformation Now

Consistency LinkedIn profile Networking Promoting yourself

5 Easy Ways on How To Make Your Linkedin Profile Standout

5 Easy Ways on How To Make Your Linkedin Profile Standout

No matter what stage of the job-search process you’re in, you’ll always need a LinkedIn profile that stands out.

With more than 600 million users worldwide, LinkedIn is easily the largest professional network on the planet.  Your LinkedIn profile communicates who you are. It’s a way to tell your story, get heard, and be discovered.

But what makes a great profile? How do you break through the crowd to get noticed by recruiters, peers, and others who will connect you to the opportunities you want?  A compelling profile starts with better expressing the amazing individual you are: who you are and why you are unique. 

1. Speak To Your Target Audience

The first step is to define who your key audience is. Then craft a story focused on your contributions, your career journey, and the values that are important to you—all tailored to the right audience. For example, are your audience industry peers, customers, or executives? Think about how you’d tailor your content differently for each and customize. 

Use the headline (the domain immediately below your name at the top of your LinkedIn profile) as an opportunity to describe yourself.

Offer the reader a glimpse of your background and skills. Use the headline to bridge the gap and tell the reader where you currently are and where you want to go.

2. Write An Eye Catching Headline

By default, your current job title will show as your headline. That is not what you want. This heavily searched section should focus on what you do. State the work title you qualify for, do now, or want. Be specific using standard titles that are typically found on a job search site. You can highlight the field you are interested in, plus any specialties or key certifications that you possess.

3. Lean Into Your Story With A Strong “Summary”

Some of my clients ask me where they should invest their time when it comes to improving their LinkedIn profiles. My answer is always to focus on the “Summary” section. This is the first section everyone will see, and you want it to catch people’s attention. Use this space to make a bold first impression and draw others into your story.

Explain how you’re different by showcasing your key skills, and how you want to impact, contribute, and add value. Focus not only on what you do, but also why it matters and your “superpowers” (i.e. key strengths that differentiate you.) To really stand out, consider adding a personal mission statement or leadership purpose statement. This will help others get to know the compass that guides you in your life and career.

4. Turn on “Open to new job opportunities”

If you are open to new roles, your manager doesn’t have to know but recruiters can! When a relevant opportunity pops up recruiters can now get in touch with you.

Click on the ‘Me’ tab > click on ‘Add profile section’

Underneath the ‘Intro’ tab, it says ‘Looking for a new job’. Click here, and fill out your desired job titles and job location. You can also select whether you’re open to remote work, add your start dates and job types (full-time, contract or part-time).

Since the outbreak of Covid-19, you can now choose who sees that you’re open to hearing about new roles. You can either select ‘Just recruiters’ (so no one from your company will know you’re job searching) or you can select ‘All LinkedIn members’, which will add a green ‘Open for work’ badge on your profile picture.

5. Credibility In Telling Your Story

Credibility is essential to telling your story on LinkedIn. Because what’s a story if no one can back up its claims?

Enter the LinkedIn Recommendations section. A recommendation is how your community can validate your professional story by writing about their experience working with you.

Request recommendations from a diverse group of people you’ve collaborated with across different roles, and who can speak to your specific work experience, skills, and major achievements. 

When asking executives or senior leaders for a recommendation, consider writing a first draft of  the recommendation for them as a starting point and let them edit to fit their voice and tone. By giving them a starting point, you’ll help them narrow their focus on what you would like them to say and save them time.

If you want to learn more go and Book a Free Call Here!

Hi, I am Ruth McCrackin!

 Your Career & Success Strategist Coach with well over 11 years of experience working hand in hand with Human Resources and Business Partners in achieving company goals and mission. It is my wish for high achievers to getting their high-end position in attracting their dreams and passion. Avoid the loop holes of missing great opportunities by applying job search strategies, LinkedIn Branding, storytelling, and much more to up level your career and lifestyle. Start Your Transformation Now

Consistency LinkedIn profile Networking Promoting yourself

5 Common Mistakes When Improving Your Linkedin Profile Strength

5 Common Mistakes When Improving Your Linkedin Profile

On the hunt for a new job? Well, you’re probably going to need to work on your LinkedIn profile strengths. 

First impressions are critical to your success in building business relationships, which just happens to be one of the primary functions of LinkedIn.

Yet, even as it’s more important than ever to have a high-impact LinkedIn profile strengths, there are some common mistakes that one of my clients never realized that they are doing which is pretty easy to avoid.

I often get the question, “What are the Common Mistakes on How to avoid getting bad impressions from your Linkedin Profile Stenths?”

1. Boring and Undescriptive Headline

One of the gravest LinkedIn mistakes you can make is to create a boring or undescriptive LinkedIn headline. Your LinkedIn headline is the MOST critical part of your profile because, along with your name and profile photo, it is the first thing anyone will see when they find you in the search results or land on your profile.

Your headline will determine whether a viewer will choose to click on your profile or click away.

Your headline should also include keywords you would like to be found for. These could consist of your position or the services you offer. You can also include a client-focused statement that will capture a viewer’s attention and entice them to click to learn more.

To ensure your headline creates a great first impression and helps you stand out, check out this guide on creating the perfect LinkedIn headline.

2. Unprofessional Profile Picture

LinkedIn is not Facebook, Instagram or any other social media platform. While it can be amusing to have a profile image featuring fun locations or your friends, family or pets, such a profile image is inappropriate on a professional platform such as LinkedIn.

To create the best first impression, add a professional profile picture, where you are recognizable, professionally dressed, smiling and looking straight at the camera against a neutral background.

3. Grammatical Mistakes and Typos

Surely, it’s no surprise that candidates demonstrating a strong grasp of the English language are more desirable. People assume they’ll be better written and verbal communicators and leaders on the job. Even with the spelling and grammar checks built into our word processors, it can be easy to make an error when putting together your LinkedIn profile, especially in the Summary or Experience section.

Proofread each section of your LinkedIn profile before you post it, and ask your friends to look it over as well. The worst way to make a first impression with recruiters or hiring managers is to have them find a simple mistake and doubt your job skills going forward.

4. Blank Summary or Current Experience

Your summary section is the perfect place for you to make a first great impression on the viewer. Leaving it blank will rob you of the opportunity to tell your readers about yourself, your expertise and your clientele. When writing your summary, speak to your audience directly, be it your ideal clients, strategic partners or employers.

If you don’t grab their attention, they will click away, and the opportunity to create a business relationship with them will be lost.

Your current experience should describe what you’re doing right now in your current position or in your business.

A compelling current work experience section should:

  • describe the company you work for (or own),
  • share the most inspiring information about the company (such as a USP and mission or vision statement),
  • describe the products or services you offer, the benefits they provide, and the types of clients you serve.

5. Profile Is Written Like a Resume

Unless you are a job seeker, your Linkedin profile should not be written like a resume. This impersonal way of talking about yourself can turn off potential clients, partners or other people you’d like to connect with.

Write your profile in the first person, and speak directly to the people you want to connect with. Explain whom you help and how you help so the readers can imagine the benefits of receiving your service or using your product.

Avoid LinkedIn Mistakes that Damage Credibility

Everybody makes mistakes, but some errors, like the 10 LinkedIn mistakes discussed in this article, can cost you potential business opportunities and even damage your credibility within the business community.

LinkedIn is a professional network and can be much less forgiving than Facebook or Twitter. Familiarize yourself with the LinkedIn etiquette, and act accordingly, especially if you use (or hope to use) LinkedIn for professional purposes.

If you want to learn more go and Book a Free Call Here!

Hi, I am Ruth McCrackin!

 Your Career & Success Strategist Coach with well over 11 years of experience working hand in hand with Human Resources and Business Partners in achieving company goals and mission. It is my wish for high achievers to getting their high-end position in attracting their dreams and passion. Avoid the loop holes of missing great opportunities by applying job search strategies, LinkedIn Branding, storytelling, and much more to up level your career and lifestyle. Start Your Transformation Now

Consistency LinkedIn profile Networking Promoting yourself

7 Ways to Improve your LinkedIn Profile Strength

How to Improve your LinkedIn Profile Strength

It happens very often that we wonder “What’s the LinkedIn profile strength status after All-Star? What do I have to do to get it? How do I attain the next one?”

Well, I am here to explain it to you, my friend.

I will share a case with you from one of my clients. Erica needed to improve her LinkedIn profile and learn how to expose her current skills, education, and over 15 years of experience in Marketing. She asks me to help her and we worked on her LinkedIn profile. After that, she got focused on her career strategy by getting interviews quickly in the marketing field of her desires. Within the week, she had an interview with a hiring manager!

But What is a LinkedIn’s Profile Strength? This is LinkedIn’s way of showing you how “robust” or POWERFUL your profile is. The more CONTENT you add, the more the STRENGTH of your profile will increase.

LinkedIn has several ways to assess how well you are using some of the features available to maximize the opportunity to be found online via your LinkedIn Profile. One of these features is ranking your profile and how well you have filled in, or optimized, all of the elements of your LinkedIn Profile.

To view the Profile Strength meter:

  1. Click the Me icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage (if on the desktop) or the photo of you on the top LH side of your phone screen.
  2. Select View profile.
  3. Below your top card information, move your cursor over the meter to see which steps you’ve completed. If you’re an ALL STAR – well done!

Step 1: Upload a professional-looking profile picture and background image

Having a quality profile picture is vital on Linkedin and many users who fail to have one end up being ignored. To make sure your profile picture fits properly, the picture should be square (250 x 250 pixels is the perfect dimension). Cropped pictures, dark pictures, or pictures that are blurry or have a busy background should be avoided. In addition, upload a background photo which is 1400 x 425 pixels. Your background photo should showcase the result of your product or service. For example, if you’re a career coach for men over 40, then show a successful and fulfilled man in his forties in a career environment.

Additional elements to add on a background image could be your business logo and website URL if you have any. The more customized your account is and the more visually attractive it is, the more likely you are to stand out from anyone else and is what makes a good Linkedin profile.

Step 2: Write a compelling headline

Your headline that appears below your name and profile picture should describe your main strengths and include keywords you wish to rank for. In my case we have: Graduate to Executive | Career Source| Expert Interview & Resume Writing | HRIS | HR Talent Development Consultant| Branding|Speaker

Step 3: Complete the summary section

When completing your summary, it should underline who you are and what you specialize in and explain your unique selling proposition in detail. The summary section allows you to write up to 2,000 words so make sure you take full advantage of this space to market yourself. In addition, remember to add a call-to-action inviting people to check your website, get in touch by email or endorse your skills.

Step 4: Describe your current position and add at least 2 past positions

By providing details about your current position and at least 2 past positions, will make your profile 12 times more likely to be found. If you don’t have at least 2 past positions, break down your different responsibilities and roles into separate positions.

Step 5: List your education

When filling the “education” section on Linkedin, if you didn’t go through higher education, you can simply list the courses or seminars you attended and any certificates you may have.

Step 6: List your top 10 skills

In terms of skills, Linkedin allows you to list a total of 50 skills. However, listing just 10 skills is enough as most people are unlikely to read all 50. Once you have listed your 10 most important skills for which you want to be known for, you can re-shuffle them in order of importance.

Step 7: Grow your connections

Finally, make sure you have a minimum of 50 connections if you want your profile strength to be “expert” or “all-star”. Start connecting with people by sending personalized connection requests or emailing your database inviting them to join you on Linkedin. Alternatively, you can promote your Linkedin profile by adding the link on your business cards and in your email signature.

Having a big Linkedin network is also what makes a good Linkedin profile.

Extra Step: Customize your Linkedin profile URL

Just like other social networks, your default Linkedin profile link contains random characters which read: https://www.linkedin.com/in/your-name-769a78246. To customize your Linkedin profile URL, go to “edit profile” and click on the settings tab next to your current URL.

Next, click on the edit tab next to your URL.

Is all this necessary?

Let me tell you that IT IS! Users with complete profiles are 40 times more likely to receive opportunities through LinkedIn than someone with an incomplete profile. This means you will connect with more people and truly experience the benefits of LinkedIn.

Plus, I have found that complete profiles rank higher in LinkedIn’s search results. LinkedIn wants to ensure their search results are accurate and so it makes sense that they promote profiles that are filled out ahead of incomplete profiles.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this blog post on the top 8 ways to improve your Linkedin profile strength! It’s never too late to work on yourself and your future. 

Don’t forget to share this with your friends and comment below if you found this useful or what other steps have you done to improve your LinkedIn.

If you want to learn more go and Book a Free Call Here!

Hi, I am Ruth McCrackin!

 Your Career & Success Strategist Coach with well over 11 years of experience working hand in hand with Human Resources and Business Partners in achieving company goals and mission. It is my wish for high achievers to getting their high-end position in attracting their dreams and passion. Avoid the loop holes of missing great opportunities by applying job search strategies, LinkedIn Branding, storytelling, and much more to up level your career and lifestyle. Start Your Transformation Now

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Business Strategies on How to Promote Your Business

Embrace social media 

Know your platforms and what audience you want to attract social media can help bring in revenue to your business and keep people posted on the changes within your business. Social media has now become a necessary time investment for every business to make.

Create a blog

Posting frequent and consistent content drives educational and entertainment value, and you’ll increase your website’s traffic. Create content that speaks to your target audience’s pin points, and make sure the headlines accurately describe the content that follows. Businesses with consistent and frequent blogging will attract the most attention, The important part is the quality of your posts.

Give A Presentation or Webinar

This strategy can be equally effective online and offline. By offering a webinar or workshop, you can attract your target audience and collect their contact information for future followup. Effective webinar content should showcase problems, kills objections, and deliver value without teaching too much. The content should teach your audience what to want, and that what will be your product. Having that engagement enables both you and your audience to grow in your understandings of one another, and it has the unique benefit of building a relationship

Comment on Blogs In Your Niche

Leaving a comment on other related blogs can help rank your content on search engines faster, because it allows your search engine to pick up and more likely to index your content with a higher ranking. Also leaving comments starts a relationship with other bloggers who could likely share your content bringing in more traffic to your business. 

Do it Better 

Business are often started as an attempt to do something better than the existing marketplace, And no this does not mean every other business is your competitors. Find your niche, do your research, and figure out what other businesses may lack or need to improve on and do that. You want to be the best in the area that interest you. 

Get a website

Your website is the go-to for current and prospective customers, A website offers a wide variety of benefits for small businesses, and most of these benefits increase value and revenue. 


Attracting Your Dream Career Blogging Consistency Job Searching Tips Productivity and Priority Promoting yourself

Consistency With Your Career

Consistency is a great characteristic to build and implement in your life. The key to consistency is setting and achieving specific goals. Start by determining how you want to be more consistent in your life, and aim for these small goals. To have consistent behavior, strive for consistent thinking. How Consistent you are with your Job, How inclined you are towards a Role, these are questions you should ask yourself when starting your dream career. If you are not willing to be consistent with your work , you will not get the results that you’re looking for. Consistency is the key to success, it builds habits and those habits turn into your everyday ritual that keep you focused on your goals and priorities. Anthony Robbins said “It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It’s what we do consistently.” To be consistent requires a commitment on your part. It requires that you commit yourself to a sustained effort of action over the long-term. This consistency will build consistent content for your business, consistent marketing or networking, and then it will cause your audience to be consistent and now your business is thriving from consistent revenue. You have to be willing to put in the work and the dedication, a business cannot grow over night.